Sleep guide
The regenerative phase is one
vital necessity of the human being
SLEEP DURATION varies according to age:
Children 18-20 hours a day
Teenagers 8-9 hours a day
Adults 5-8 hours a day
Seniors approx. 6 hours plus other moments of rest during the day
In our sleep, phases of light sleep alternate with phases of deep sleep. A young person, falls asleep faster and the phases of light sleep are shorter. In an elderly person, the waking period is lengthened before falling asleep and subsequently wakefulness and very light sleep phases alternate more frequently. It can be said that with advanced age it is normal for the waking phases to lengthen and are not to be considered disturbing symptoms.
PHASE 1: phase of falling asleep, twilight state between wakefulness and light sleep
PHASE 2: light sleep, the consciousness is dormant and the muscles relax
PHASE 3: deep sleep, sleep reaches its deepest stage. In this phase, organic regeneration also takes place, the heart rate and breathing are lowered, some organs reduce their function and some glands stop completely. This phase takes about 20-30 minutes.
Stages 1-2-3 are called SEM (Slow Eye Movement)
PHASE 4: REM sleep (Rapid Eye Movement) Under the closed eyelids, eye movements become very rapid. It is the phase of cleaning and reorganization of our mind, it is in this phase that we dream. Muscle activity is non-existent and it is very difficult to wake up the sleeping person.
The complete cycle lasts approx. 90 minutes and repeats several times during the night.
Dark environment
Temperature of 17 °-21 °
Fresh air exchange
A suitable mattress
Before going to bed, take a bath or a warm and relaxing shower
Prepare everything for the following day
Positive thinking
Annoying light
Annoying noises
Aggressive colors in the bedroom
Uncomfortable mattress
Electrosmog: clock radios, radios, televisions, computers …
Fears, worries, arguments
Coffee, Alcohol
Heavy meals
Sports activity before bedtime